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Upcoming Events!

Fall Getaway? What's that? Well, let me tell you! It is a time each year where Cru groups from all over Missouri come together for the weekend to be filled spiritually. There are amazing guest speakers and small groups. Think spiritual camping. But it is even more than that. It is a time for our Cru group to get to know each other better. There is a beautiful hiking trail, a field to play football or soccer, and even a lake to canoe in.  Whether we're eating s'mores or trying to set up stubborn tents we always have fun at this event.

Cost is $60 for early registration (until midnight 9/27). After that it goes up to $70, and closes at 12am the morning of 10/4. If you want to go but can't afford it contact us about a possible scholarship.

When: October 4-6

Where: Turkey Hill Ranch

Why: Because it's awesome!

Fall Getaway

"We want to see your life changed. We want to see the world changed. Every year at the Denver Christmas Conference (DCC) college students from all over the great plains come to grow closer to Jesus Christ through prayer, powerful worship, passionate Bible teaching, and community. You will have many opportunities to be equipped with life and ministry skills, to connect and network with other students, and to reach out locally and globally. At DCC you will engage the city of Denver with faith in action. You’ll walk away from DCC with unforgettable memories." -DCC webpage

When: December 28- January 2

Where: Denver Colorado

Denver Christmas Conference (DCC)

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